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Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

JTB-CWT handles personal information as follows and strives to protect such in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure, JISQ 15001, and the Privacy Policy of our company.

1) Name of business operator

JTB Business Travel Solutions Inc.

2) Name or title of administrator (or his/her agent) and contact

Name of administrator: Katsuyuki Matsui, Board Directors
Department: Human Resources & General Affairs of JTB Business Travel Solutions Inc.
Contact number: TEL 03-5548-8200

3) Purpose of use of personal information

Classification Purpose of use
(1)Purpose of use when personal information is acquired directly from the person through a document, etc. (including via the home page, e-mail, etc.; hereinafter referred to as gdocumentsh)
  Customer information
  • To make arrangements for the travel services provided, such as transportation and accommodations, etc., for the trip the customer has booked, and to perform the procedures related to the receipt and payment of such services
  • To perform the business agreed with the enterprise which the customer is working for
  • To ship products in relation to business operations, provide services, and provide related after-the-sale services
  • To communicate with the customer
  • To respond to inquiries
  • To provide information about campaigns and about products and services of the Company and companies with which the Company has tie-ups
  • To ask a feedback from customer after the trip
Client information For business talks and business-related communications, order placement/receipt operations, invoicing and payment operations
  • To provide information about campaigns and about products and services of the Company and companies with which the Company has tie-ups
  • Requests for responses to questionnaires
Employee information For the human resources and labor management of employees, operational control, health management, security management
Personal information related to applicants To communicate with the applicants and for our recruitment management
Personal number (individual number)
  • Personal numbers will be used within the scope of the purpose of use set forth in the Act on the Use of Numbers
    (Please refer to 6) for the handling of specific personal information)
(2)Purpose of use when collected by methods other than those stated in above paragraph
  Customer information collected by phone
  • To make arrangements for the travel services provided, such as transportation and accommodations, etc., for the trip the customer has booked, and to perform the procedures related to the receipt and payment of such services
  • To perform the business agreed with the enterprise which the customer is working for
  • To communicate with the customer
  • To respond to inquiries
  • To provide information about campaigns and about products and services of the Company and companies with which the Company has tie-ups
  • To ask a feedback from customer after the trip
  • To improve the quality of telephone calls
  • To confirm the contents of conversations with customers (call log)
Personal information received by the subcontractor from the contractor in relation to subcontracted operations To appropriately perform the operations subcontracted by clients, etc. (information which is not personal information subject to disclosure)
Images taken by a security camera To prevent crimes
Personal information collected by commercially available name lists, etc. To inform about our products and services

4) Provision of customers' Handling of Personal Information to a third party

The Company may, to the extent necessary to achieve the business objectives, provide the acquired Handling of Personal Information to a third party in Japan and outside of Japan in the following manner:

(1)Purpose of provision to a third party ETo make arrangements for the travel services requested by a customer, and to perform the procedures related to the receipt of and payment for such services.
ETo claim insurance in case of any accident or problem.
ETo perform operations agreed with the enterprise which the customer is working for.
(2)Items of Handling of Personal Information to be provided Name, gender, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, passport number, credit card information, and Itinerary etc.
(3)Method or means of provision Electronic means,etc.
(4)Type and nature of organization to which information is provided Airline, Car, Train, Hotel, Insurance Companies and any organization appointed by the enterprise which the customer is working for.
e.g. Risk management company or organization etc.
Souvenir shop at destination

In case a customer is sick or injured during a trip, The Company may ask a personal information of a contact person appointed by a customer for an emergency during a trip. Such a personal information can be used when The Company need to contact the person when a customer is sick or injured. Customer is required to obtain a consent from the contact person to inform the personal information to The Company.

5) Joint use of personal information

(1) In order to simplify customersf travel applications from now on and in order to manage arrangements and itineraries for travel for which applications have been made, the Company may share customer information with the group companies stated below.

(2) Of the personal information possessed by the Company, the Company will jointly use with the group companies stated below the matters within the minimum scope necessary for contacting customers, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. The relevant group may use such information at the liability of each company for providing information about the business of each company; simplifying applications by customers; providing information about event content, products, services, campaigns, and perk services; and sending products that were purchased.

Company name Address Name of the manager
JTB Corp. 2-3-11 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Senior Manager of Legal Affairs
JTB Media Retailing Corp. 47-6-15 Kohinata, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the General Affairs Division
JTB GAIAREC, Inc. 2-43-19 Minami-Ikebukuro, Tokyo General Manager of the General Affairs Division
JTB OKINAWA Corp. 4-19-30 Omoromachi, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture General Manager of the General Affairs Division
JTB Grand Tours & Services, Inc. 5-7-20 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the Planning and General Affairs Division
Travel Plaza International, Inc. 2-1-9 Tomioka, Koto-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the Planning and General Affairs Division
JTB Communication Design, Inc. 3-23-1 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the CSR Promotion Office
JTB Business Innovators Corp. 1-6-31 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the General Affairs Division
JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc. 2-3-14 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the General Affairs Division
JTB GLOBAL ASSISTANCE, Inc. 2-1-18 Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the Customer Consultation Office
JTB BENEFIT SERVICE, Inc. 2-7-6 Fukagawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department

Personal information that will be used jointly refers to matters that were obtained by an individual company of the group through the Internet (the Web or e-mail) or a document. Appropriate safety measures will be implemented when personal information is transferred.

6) Subcontracting of the handling of personal information

Our company subcontracts some operations to other parties in Japan and/or outside of Japan. We may provide personal information to the subcontractor. In such case, we select subcontractors who are determined to handle personal information appropriately, set forth the matters necessary to prevent leaks of customersf personal information by appropriately managing and maintaining confidentiality of the personal information through the conclusion of an agreement and other means, and we cause the subcontractor to appropriately manage the personal information.

7) Request disclosure, etc. of personal information

If you would like to request a notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/addition/deletion of the details, suspension of use, erasing or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as gDisclosure, etc.h) of your personal information held by our Company, please contact the following inquiry desk to learn about the necessary procedures. We will take the necessary measures without delay in accordance with the laws and regulations and the internal rules of our company. If our company is unable to fulfill all or part of your request, we will explain the reasons therefor.

The following is our companyfs personal information inquiry desk.

NBF Toyosu Canal Front, 5-6-52 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
JTB Business Travel Solutions, Inc. Human Resources and General Affairs Department
Telephone: +81-3-5548-8200 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (weekdays only)
Closed on: Saturdays, Sundays, public and national holidays, as well as the New Year holidays (December 29 - January 3)

8) Voluntary provision of personal information

The customers may decide whether to provide personal information to our company. However, note that it may not be possible to provide the services in an appropriate manner if you do not provide us with the necessary information.

9) Handling of specific personal information

Our company possesses the personal numbers (individual numbers) of the employees working for us, their dependent family members, and individuals under a continuous contract for whom our company prepares payment records, etc.

  • Our company will use the personal numbers within the scope of the purpose of use set forth in the Act on the Use of Numbers.
  • Our company will not provide the personal numbers to any third parties other than the parties to which the number is provided to in accordance with the Act on the Use of Numbers.
  • Our company will promptly delete or erase the personal numbers if the Procedures Related to the Individual Number as defined in the Act on the Use of Numbers have been completed.

10) Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

An Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization refers to organizations accredited by the competent minister under Article 37 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and the objective of these organizations is to process complaints about the handling of the subject personal information and provide covered enterprises with information that contribute to ensuring the proper handling of personal information.

The Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization to which our company belongs: JIPDEC
Contact information for the resolution of complaints: Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office
12F Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Telephone: 0120-700-779
(This is not the point of contact for inquiries about our services)

To those who request Disclosure, etc.

1j Contact office for request for Disclosure, etc.

Please contact the following Handling of Personal Information service office for Disclosure, etc.:

Human Resources & General Affairs, JTB Business Travel Solutions Inc.
NBF Toyosu Canal Front, 5-6-52, TOYOSU, KOTO-KU, Tokyo, 135-0061, Japan
TEL: 03-5548-8200, 9:30 to 17:30 on weekdays
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and New Year holidays (from December 29 through January 3)

2j Procedures concerning request for Disclosure, etc.

(1)Upon the receipt of a request, the Company will send a prescribed application form for your use.

  • In case of a notification of purpose of utilization: gApplication Form for Notification of Purpose of Utilization of Handling of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure"
  • In case of a request for disclosure: gApplication Form for Disclosure of Handling of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure"
  • In case of a request for correction, addition or deletion, or, suspension of use, removal, or suspension of the provision to a third party: gApplication Form for Correction, etc. and Suspension of Use of Handling of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure"

(2) In case of request for Disclosure, etc. of Handling of Personal Information limited to basic information

  • Please send the following documents to the above Handling of Personal Information service office:
    • Completed application form
    • In case of a request by an agent, a document to prove that he/she is an authorized agent; and
    • Postage stamps for the fee (only for the request for a notification of purpose of use and disclosure)
  • After the receipt of the application form of 1., the Company will contact you to ask a couple of questions concerning the Handling of Personal Information registered in the Company by which the Company can identify you.

(3) In case of request for Disclosure, etc. of Handling of Personal Information including important information

  • (a) Please send the following documents to the above Handling of Personal Information service office.
    • Completed application form;
    • Identity verification document;
    • In case of a request by an agent, a document to prove that he/she is an authorized agent; and
    • Postage stamps for the fee (only for the request for a notification of purpose of use and disclosure)
  • (b) Identity verification document
    Please enclose a copy of one of the following materials. With respect to the information concerning the permanent address included in each document, please dispose of other information than the name of prefectures by methods such as masking.
    • Driver's license
    • Passport
    • Basic Resident Register Card
    • Alien Registration Card
    • Certificate of Insured of Health Insurance
    • Other public documents that can be used for identity verification

(4) In case of request for Disclosure, etc., by an agent

In case of request for Disclosure, etc., by an agent, please enclose one copy of the following documents listed in (a) that verifies the authorized agency and one copy of the documents listed in (b) that identify the agent. With respect to the information concerning the permanent address included in each document, please dispose of other information than the name of prefectures by methods such as masking.

  • (a) Document to prove authorized agency
    <In case of an agent to whom the principal entrusted the request for Disclosure, etc.>
    •  Letter of attorney of the principal (original)
    <In case of a legal representative of a minor >a copy of either of the following
    • Family register
    • Residence register (indicating the relationship)
    • Other public documents that can verify the legal representation rights
    <In case of the legal representative of the adult ward>a copy of either of the following
    • Certificate of registered matters concerning guardianship registration, etc.
    • Other public documents that can verify the legal representation rights
  • (b) Document that can identify the agency
    • Driver's license
    • Passport
    • Certificate of Insured of Health Insurance
    • Residence Register
    • Basic Resident Register Card

3) Fee for request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure

800 yen per one request (for postage fee of the return mail)
(You will be advised to enclose postage stamps with the application form you will send.)

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